@misc{Hovhannisyan_A._S._INVESTIGATION, author={Hovhannisyan, A. S. and V. M. Aroutiounian and Kh. S. Martirosyan and V. E. Galstyan}, address={}, howpublished={online}, contents={}, abstract={Accurate determination of blood glucose is essential for the diagnosis and long-term management of diabetes. Glucose and detection of its small quantities in the analyte is very important. Nowadays there is a large variety of biosensors for glucose detection working on different principles. In this study the possibility is discussed to apply porous silicon as a transducer for measuring various concentrations of glucose.}, title={INVESTIGATION OF GLUCOSE SENSITIVITY OF POROUS SILICON}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Physics, Instruments, apparatus, components common to several branches of physics}, }