@misc{Shunzi_Guo_Operator, author={Shunzi Guo}, howpublished={online}, publisher={National Academy of Sciences of Armenia}, abstract={The paper generalizes the self-adjoint differential operator \$\Box\$ on hypersurfaces of a constant curvature manifold to submanifolds, introduced by Cheng-Yau. Using the series of such operators, a new way to prove Minkowski-Hsiung integral formula is given and some integral formulas for compact submanifolds is derived. An application to a hypersurface of a Riemannian manifold with harmonic Riemannian curvature is presented.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Operator \$\Box^\{r\}\$ on a submanifold of Riemannian manifold and its applications}, keywords={Algebraic geometry, Group theory and generalizations, Functional analysis, Differential geometry}, }