@misc{Perch_Melik-Adamyan_On, author={Perch Melik-Adamyan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={National Academy of Sciences of Armenia}, abstract={A densely defined Hermitian operator \$A_0\$ with equal defect numbers is considered. Presentable by means of resolvents of a certain maximal dissipative or accumulative extensions of \$A_0\$, bounded linear operators acting from some defect subspace \$\mfn_\gamma\$ to arbitrary other \$\mfn_\lambda\$ are investigated. With their aid are discussed characteristic and Weyl functions. A family of Weyl functions is described, associated with a given self-adjoint extension of \$A_0\$. The specific property of Weyl function's factors enabled to obtain a modified formulas of von Neumann. In terms of characteristic and Weyl functions of suitably chosen extensions the resolvent of Weyl function is presented explicitly.}, type={Հոդված}, title={On Some Analytic Operator Functions in the Theory of Hermitian Operators}, keywords={Operator theory}, }